Lastpass password manager iphone review
Lastpass password manager iphone review

LastPass, available in a free version or a premium version that costs $12 per year, is a close runner-up, falling behind KeePass and 1Password only because using any mobile version of the product requires the paid account. RoboForm, a longtime presence in this field, is a close contender for the top choice as well, thanks to many of its unique features, such as an intelligent form-filling function (for name/address forms) and the ability to work with other kinds of applications apart from Web browsers. It's polished, powerful, closely integrated with your browser, and easy to keep in sync with your mobile devices. 1Password, priced at $49.99, is even better in that respect. But most important, KeePass has been written with a good sense for how people need to interact with the program every single day. KeePass is free open source software with a large community of users and add-ons behind it. KeePass and 1Password stood out as the best of the bunch for slightly different reasons. To keep the list manageable, I've focused on programs that have both a desktop and a mobile version available, with the desktop taking precedence. If they didn't provide much more convenience over simply copying and pasting passwords from a text file, they'd hardly be worth using. One of the reasons I looked at these password vaults - a total of seven - was to see how easy it was to work with them over an extended period of time. If having your passwords in a single encrypted store were all you needed, then a password-protected Microsoft Word document would do the trick.

lastpass password manager iphone review

All the other passwords you use can be as long and complex as possible, even randomly generated, and you don't have to worry about remembering them. This way, you have to memorize a single password - the one for your password vault. They give you a central place to store all your passwords, encrypted and protected by a passphrase or token that you provide. Password vaults, aka password safes or password managers, help solve this problem.

Lastpass password manager iphone review